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9 Tips for Saving Money

Are you looking for ways to cut your expenses and save more money? Sometimes, small changes make a big difference. Here are nine proven methods to keep more money in your wallet without drastically changing your budget, lifestyle, or comfort level.

  1. Open a savings account: If you only have a checking account tied to your debit card, consider opening a savings account as well. This gives you a place to tuck away extra funds for an upcoming vacation, down payment, holiday spending, or other reasons.
  2. Pay yourself first: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account with every paycheck. 10% is a good amount to tuck away each month.
  3. Plan grocery trips carefully: It may take a little extra time, but by making a list, clipping coupons, and planning your weekly menu around sales, you can reduce your grocery spending significantly.
  4. Get the best value at restaurants: Start counting calories when you eat out—but not for the reason you might think. Buying a more filling portion may cost a couple of dollars more, but the extra food makes for an excellent leftover. In the end, each serving costs less than if you had bought and eaten a smaller meal in one sitting.
  5. Seek discounts on entertainment: Keep an eye out for free days at your local museum or national park. Community event listings are a great place to learn about free and low-cost events near you. Also, if you’re a senior, student, or military member, take advantage of any discounts that apply.
  6. Resist impulse shopping: When you feel tempted to buy a nonessential item, give yourself 48 hours to think it over. If you still feel strongly about it in a couple of days, purchase the item with greater confidence that you won’t have buyer’s remorse.
  7. Look for ways to save on fixed monthly expenses: Compare rates on car insurance, internet providers, and cell phone carriers. Bundle any services you can. Then, cancel memberships or subscriptions you don’t use often enough to justify the monthly fee.
  8. Monitor your utility bills: Instruct family members to take their energy consumption seriously. Simple habits such as turning off the lights when you leave a room, putting on a sweater before adjusting the thermostat, and taking shorter showers can help you save hundreds a year on natural gas, electricity, and water.
  9. Save on interest with a Texas car title loan: If you know you need a title loan to help you get by, why settle for a high-interest lender when you can get a low APR, extended-term car title loan? That’s what VIP Title Loans offers—low rates and the most forgiving payment plans in the industry. Plus, you get to keep your car!

Want to learn more about saving money with a Texas car title loan? If so, stop by one of our convenient Texas locations, contact us online, or call us at 214-819-9491 or 682-325-4202 for more information.