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Not all car title loan lenders in Texas are created equal.

While each lender is required to comply with the lending laws in the state, some lenders offer fair terms and others are in the business to take advantage of borrowers who are in desperate need of cash.

If you are in need of a title loan, it is important to research your options so that you choose a reputable lender that makes helping you their first priority. Read on and find out why VIP Title Loans has become the preferred car title loan lender by residents in the state.

Locally Owned and Operated

There are plenty of lenders that offer online services in every state, but not many lenders can say that they are locally owned and operated. Not only does this mean that VIP is a Registered Lender, it means that VIP is one of the few states that is by the laws set in Texas. Online lenders typically register in a state with the most lenient laws in order to profit more. In addition to this, VIP Title Loans is located in the Dallas Fort Worth area, and because the company is not a major corporation, loan underwriters can be flexible when approving loan applications.

With flexible policies, the company can help individuals when they have a unique situation that would disqualify them for financing with other lenders. VIP is in business to help, and their policies enable them to do this. You will not find another lender that does not focus on the laws and policies that are favorable to the company and not the borrower.

Short-term Cash Flow Regardless of Credit History

Your creditworthiness can hold you back in several avenues of life. If you need a car title loan, your creditworthiness will not affect your ability to get the cash flow you need. You can keep your car while you are paying back your loan, and pay those bills off in the meantime.

One of the great things about the lending requirements with VIP is that poor credit, no credit, tax liens, and repos are all okay. You can still get a reasonably priced loan because the lender considers the vehicle’s value and not the borrower’s credit history.

Low Interest that is Hard to Compete With

VIP Title Loans offers excellent customer service, but you might be wondering if this service comes at a cost. You may be surprised to learn that this locally owned company offers some of the lowest interest rates in the industry. With 6% interest rates for up to a year, you can pay what borrowers with excellent credit pay for your title loan. Do not apply for a loan that will cost you 200 to 300% interest if you have the option to pay a fraction of that.

VIP Title Loans will not check your credit to approve you for a car title loan.

If you own a vehicle and you are in need of cash immediately, apply for your short-term loan today.