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Emergencies occur within every Texas household, and no one ever knows when they will happen. One day a consumer’s car might stop running; the next day that same person’s hot water heater may give out.

Title loans provide an easy way for a person to obtain emergency cash in any situation. The loans have minimal requirements, and the consumer can receive approval within a few hours. Almost anyone who owns a vehicle in the state of Texas can obtain a title loan. VIP Title Loans is a trustworthy organization that will provide such a loan.

What is a Title Loan?

A title loan is a short-term cash advance based on the value of a person’s vehicle. Lenders provide such loans to Texas auto owners who have the titles to their vehicles.

VIP Title Loans offers title loans as low as $300 to as high as $6,000. The number of loans depends on the value of cars.

To obtain a title loan, an automobile owner must allow VIP Title Loans to place a lien on the title. However, the consumer still keeps his or her car until the end of the loan term. Payments are as low as $100 per month, and the interest rates are amazing. Many title loan companies attach high-interest rates to their products. Some of them have rates that are higher than 300 percent.

VIP Title Loans promises interest rates as low as 6 percent. With a 6 percent interest rate, a consumer can feel confident that his or her payments are going toward the loan balance rather than the interest rate.

Qualifying for a Title Loan

The most important qualifying factor for a title loan is that the consumer has the title to his or her vehicle. The title must be in the person’s hands because the lender will want to place a temporary lien on it. Additionally, a person must have proof of income to qualify. The income does not have to come from a traditional job, but the consumer must prove that it exists. Proof of residence is necessary for a person to gain approval for a title loan. Proof of residence could be an electric bill, a voter’s registration, or a copy of a home deed or mortgage papers. VIP does not conduct credit checks. Therefore, people with fair and poor credit are welcomed to apply.

Uses for Title Loan Proceeds

Consumers can use the proceeds from a VIP Title Loans for any reason. Some people may want to perform repairs while other people may want to use the funds for a beautiful vacation. The company places no stipulations on the consumer’s usage. Once a person obtains the check, the person is free to do whatever he or she pleases.

How to Get a Title Loan

Obtaining a title loan through VIP Title Loans is simple. An interested person can call or visit one of the convenient physical locations.