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Budgets always get a little tighter around the holidays. Luckily, seasonal work is available to help you bring in extra cash so you can make the holidays special for your family and friends. Working a temporary position also helps you gain experience to boost your resume. You may even meet new people who become good friends or help you expand your network. Use these tips to help you find a seasonal job for the holidays.

Industries that Typically Offer Seasonal Jobs

You have more options for seasonal work than you may realize. Here are the top industries to search for a temporary job this time of year:

  • Retail: This is what most people think of first when looking for seasonal work. Temporary retail positions may include merchandise stockers, cashiers, warehouse workers, and other on-site jobs.
  • Packaging and shipping: The holidays are a busy time of year for the packaging and shipping industry. A retail store may hire you to make home deliveries, or you could find a seasonal job with the postal service.
  • Insurance: Open enrollment for health insurance takes place at the end of the year. This means insurance companies need extra customer service representatives to help people enroll in new plans.
  • Hospitality: Travel is a huge part of the holiday season for many families. This may have hotels, restaurants, gas stations, travel agencies, and other businesses looking for temporary help this time of year.

How to Find a Seasonal Job

Hunting for seasonal work is similar to looking for any other job. Follow these tips to help you get started:

  • Search online: Begin your search at sites like SimplyHired, Indeed, and LinkUp. You can browse hundreds, even thousands, of job postings from the comfort of home.
  • Approach specific companies directly: If you have a particular business in mind, go straight to their website or visit the brick-and-mortar store and drop off an application.
  • Start your search early: Begin applying for seasonal jobs at least a few weeks before you want to start working. There’s a lot of competition for seasonal jobs, so you want to make sure your application gets considered before all the positions fill up.
  • Be willing to be flexible: To increase your chances of being hired, express your willingness to work unusual shifts, including evenings, overnights, and weekends.
  • Apply to several places: Get your name out there by submitting applications to multiple companies. Remember to modify your resume so it features relevant information for each job you apply for.

At VIP Title Loans, we can help you stretch your holiday budget even further with a low-interest car title loan. With extended terms of up to 12 months, you don’t have to worry about paying your loan back right away. Want to learn more? Call us at 817-265-2274 or fill out our online contact form! You can also visit one of our six DFW Metroplex locations to speak with a lending agent in person.